Duran Duran Czech Republic · http://www.duranduran.cz/

Anyone Out There

I never found out what made you leave
And now the day is over just an hour to go
I tried to phone last night but you didn't answer
Just left me ringing on the line

Outside is there anyone out there anyone else outside
Out side love is there anyone out there anyone else outside

My face in the mirror shows a break in time
A crack in the ocean which does not align
I tried to sleep last night but I we caught your dreaming
About days we used to wonder away

Outside is there anyone out there anyone else outside
Outside love is there anyone out there anyone else outside

Look maybe my name
Out of the window you can call by your
Another babe coves in vain
Night over another light on in vain
On I tried to phone last night but you never answered
Left me ringing in the air (outside)

Is there anyone out there
(Anyone out there)

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