Duran Duran Czech Republic · http://www.duranduran.cz/


(c) 2007 Epic Records / Sony Music

Úžasný.listopadý singl kapely DURAN DURAN s názvem FALLING DOWN vyjde v pondělí 5. listopadu. Spoluautorem skladby je Justin Timberlake, který ho současně i produkoval. FALLING DOWN pochází z netrpělivě očekávaného alba RED CARPET MASSACRE, které vyjde o týden později 12. listopadu.

Jak fanoušci, tak kritici považují singl FALLING DOWN za stěžejní píseň celé oslnivé dráhy kapely. Singl vznikl jako poslední skladba nového alba, na kterém celý rok pracovali producenti Timbaland, Nate ´Danja´ Hills a dlouholetý fanda Duran Duran Justin Timberlake jako hlavní producent.

FALLING DOWN je jedním z prvních samostatných producentských počinů Timberlakea. Nahrávka vznikla během jediného víkendu v manchesterském Elbow Blueport Studio. Justin byl tehdy v Británii na turné a čtyřčlenní Duran Duran (Simon LeBon, John Taylor, Roger Taylor a Nick Rhodes) se zrovna chystali odevzdat svou nahrávku. Justin pobídl kapelu, aby vytvořila epickou skladbu ve stylu písně Ordinary World, která by celé album završila a která by oslovila nejen zástupy jejich skalních příznivců, ale i.listopadé publikum na celém světě. Skladbu si vzal na starost LeBon a na chytlavou melodii napsal pronikavý text. Během čtyřiadvaceti hodin vznikla píseň, o níž bylo všem jasné, že se stane jednou ze zásadních skladeb celé nahrávky.

„Když jsem se šel podívat na jedno z Justinových vystoupení v Midlands, požádal mě, jestli by si mohl poslechnout, co jsme zatím nahráli. Nakonec prohlásil: ‚Potřebujete něco jako Ordinary World, co by album završilo.‘ Řekl mi, že to byla jedna z jeho oblíbených skladeb, když mu bylo čtrnáct a byl blázen do popu,“ vzpomíná Simon LeBon.

Nahrávka FALLING DOWN představovala vrchol Justinovy roční spolupráce na albu RED CARPET MASSACRE. První skladba Nite-Runner, na které se podílel jako autor i producent, vznikla o rok dříve, když se Duran Duran, Timbaland, Danja a Timberlake potkali na předávání hudebních cen MTV Awards.

Spolupráce Duran Duran a Justina Timberlakea započala v roce 2003. Kapelu tehdy požádali, aby Justinovi předala cenu na MTV Video Music Awards. Ukázalo se ale, že to byl jen takový malý trik, jak je dostat na předávání, aby mohli převzít cenu za celoživotní přínos. O půl roku později se opět sešli u příležitosti předávání hudebních ocenění, tentokrát na Brit Awards, kde Timberlake předával kapele cenu za výjimečný hudební přínos. Už tehdy mluvili o tom, že by rádi spolupracovali, ale trvalo další tři roky, než se jim podařilo vzájemně sladit své programy.

Klip k.listopadému singlu se tento týden natáčí v Los Angeles a režíruje jej Anthony Mandler, který získal řadu ocenění a natáčel klipy umělcům jako jsou The Killers, Rihanna nebo Beyonce. Kapela nechce o klipu příliš prozrazovat, uvádí pouze, že natáčet se bude ve zchátralé nemocnici a na scéně se objeví mnoho krásných žen.

Zvuk ve FALLING DOWN mixoval Jean-Marie Horvet. V písni uslyšíme kytaru Doma Browna, který kapelu doprovází na koncertech, i vokály Justina Timbelakea.

Dlouho očekávané album RED CARPET MASSACRE, které se natáčelo v Manchesteru, Londýně a New Yorku, vyjde ve Velké Británii 12. listopadu.

Desku produkovali DURAN DURAN, NATE „DANJA“ HILLS (Nelly Furtado, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland), JIMMY DOUGLASS (Missy Elliot, Nelly Furtado, Timbaland, Bryan Ferry, Jay Z, Snoop Dog) JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE a TIMBALAND.

Nahrávka obsahuje tyto skladby:

1. The Valley
2. Red Carpet Massacre
3. Nite-Runner (spoluautoři a spoluproducenti Justin Timberlake a Timbaland)
4. Falling Down (spoluautor a spoluproducent Justin Timberlake)
5. Box full o'Honey
6. Skin Divers (spoluautor a spoluproducent Timbaland, který si v písni rovněž zazpívá)
7. Tempted
8. Tricked Out
9. Zoom In (spoluautor a spoluproducent Timbaland)
10. She's Too Much
11. Dirty Great Monster
12. Last Man Standing

Data vydání alba a prvního singlu:
Rakousko 2.listopad: singl ke stažení // 16.listopad: album
Belgie 29.říjen: singl ke stažení // 19.listopad: album
Dánsko 28.září: singl ke stažení // 19.listopad: album
Finsko 21.listopad: album
Francie 12.listopad: singl ke stažení // 19.listopad: album
Německo 16.listopad: singl ke stažení //16.listopad: cd singl // 16.listopad: album
Itálie 28.září: singl ke stažení //5.listopad: cd singl // 16.listopad: album
Holandsko 29.říjen: singl ke stažení // 16.listopad: album
Norsko 19.říjen: singl ke stažení // 19.listopad: album
Portugalsko 29.říjen: singl ke stažení // 19.listopad: album
Polsko 19.listopad: album
Španělsko 20.listopad: album
Švédsko 22.říjen: singl ke stažení // 21.listopad: album
Švýcarsko 26.říjen none 16.listopad
UK 4.listopad: singl ke stažení // 5.listopad: cd singl // 19.listopad: album
Kanada 25.září: singl ke stažení // 20.listopad: album
Jižní Afrika 19.listopad : album
Austrálie 16.říjen: singl ke stažení (iTunes only) // 17.listopad : album
Mexiko 19.listopad: album
Brazílie 20.listopad: album
Chile 19.listopad: album
Střední Amerika 20.listopad: album
Japonsko 14.listopad: album
Hong Kong 19.listopad: album
Malajsie 20.listopad: album
Filipíny 19.listopad: album
Korea 19.listopad: album
Tajwan 23.listopad: album
Thajsko 20.listopad: album

DURAN DURAN prodali za svou 29letou kariéru přes sedmdesát milionů desek. Jsou autory mnoho hitů, získali nejrůznější ocenění a od roku 2002, kdy se dali znovu dohromady, převzali dokonce pět prestižních cen za celoživotní přínos (MTV Video Music Awards, Q Magazine, Brit, Ivor.listopadello, španělská Onda).

RED CARPET MASSACRE bude od hitového alba „ASTRONAUT“ z roku 2004 první nahrávkou, kterou Duran Duran vydají.


1. The Valley
these are days of hit and run
in the stream with everyone
these are moments of our lives
on a wandering river
going on together
many journeys to arrive

I been walking through the valley through the tall grass and the shadows
and I feel it, I can see it, yes I need it, I believe it
through the city and the towers turning minutes into hours
and I feel it, I can see it, yes I need it, I believe it

when I think I'm being strong
and I lose direction
then a life starts looking mischievous
finding revelation
out of desperation
always stretching time but it’s never long enough

you think you’re happy, think you’re free but maybe we’re just comfortably deceived

but I'm running through the valley through the tall grass and the shadows
and I feel it, I can see it, yes I need it, I believe it
through the city and the towers turning minutes into hours
and I feel it, I can see it, yes I need it, I believe it

but I'm running through the valley through the tall grass and the shadows
and I feel it, I can see it, yes I need it, I believe it
through the city and the towers turning minutes into hours
and I feel it, I can see it, yes I need it, I believe it

Lyrics: Simon Le Bon
Music: Duran Duran
© 2007 Skin Divers

2. Red Carpet Massacre
dark sun rose on the ridge cut clear across the sky
as good a day as any to die
no reservation Madam no reason to know why
running late stiletto heels
strike the crew, send up the wheels
you spend a life in preparation for this day
breathe in the air it’s loaded with fame
check out those weapons sister before you hit the fray
string o pearls -V- ditzy gems
enter the battle of the lenses

red carpet massacre
don't wanna hassle ya
red carpet massacre
death squad paparazzi ah!
red carpet massacre
It's gonna mess wiv ya
we’re in business - you're on the hit-list

there's not so many now, still standing on their feet
the knives are out and singing so sweet
engaged with sharper minds that cut you when you meet
ain't the place to mess around
when someone wants to take you down

maybe you think you're above it
but baby we know that you love it
baby you know where to shove it
apply your lipstick, for dying in public

red carpet massacre
don't wanna hassle ya
red carpet massacre
death squad paparazzi ah!
red carpet massacre
don't wanna mess wiv ya
now it’s time - next in line
we’re so busted – done and dusted

Lyrics: Simon Le Bon
Music: Duran Duran
© 2007 Skin Divers

3. Nite-Runner
you're nocturnal only come out at nite
I'm learning all the ways you wanna ride
you're on the roam but not until the darkness arrives
but I'm certain I'll catch up to you one of these times

Can I put my hands on you tonight
I must be feeling something
Something tells me I’m in for the ride
I wonder if you see me coming
Can I put my hands on you tonight
Tonight has got me running
Something tells me I’m in for the ride
right into your nite-time world
coz of a

nite-runner I think I'm falling for you
nite-runner got a spell to put me under
nite runner what you gonna do with it?
nite-runner nite nite runner

Light scatters when you walk into the room
Under shadow I can feel the heat in you
Should I be surprised I see the possibility moving right across to me
It all matters when I'm getting close to you

Can I put my hands on you tonight
I must be feeling something
Something tells me I’m in for the ride
I wonder if you see me coming
Can I put my hands on you tonight
Tonight has got me running
Something tells me I’m in for the ride
right into your nite-time world
coz of a

nite-runner I think I'm falling for you
nite-runner got a spell to put me under
nite runner what you gonna do with it now?
nite-runner nite nite runner

love is haunting she wanted to go that's what she told me
love is haunting she wanted to go but I cannot cannot

nite-runner I think I'm falling for you
nite-runner got a spell to put me under
nite runner what you gonna do with it now?
nite-runner nite nite-runner

Lyrics: Simon Le Bon and Timbaland
Music: Duran Duran
© 2007 Skin Divers

4. Falling Down
once was a man who consumed his place and time
he thought nothing could touch him
but here and now it's a different story-line
like the straws he is clutching

why has the sky turned grey?
hard to my face and cold on my shoulder
and why has my life gone astray?
scarred by disgrace I know that it’s over

because I'm falling down
with people standing round
but before I hit the ground
is there time could I find
someone out there to help me?

howl at the wind rushing past my lonely head
caught in silent slow-motion
how I wish it was somebody else instead
howling at all this corrosion

why did the luck run dry?
laugh in my face so pleased to desert me
why do the cruel barbs fly?
now when disgrace can no longer hurt me

because I'm falling down
with people standing round
but before I hit the ground
is there time could I find
someone out there to help me?
You see I'm falling down
with people standing round
but before I hit the ground
is there time could I find
someone out there to help me?

because I'm falling down
with people standing round
but before I hit the ground
is there time could I find
someone out there to help me?
You see I'm falling down
with people standing round
but before I hit the ground
is there time could I find
someone out there to help me?

I don’t know… where to go
I don’t know… here I go

Lyrics: Simon Le Bon and Justin Timberlake
Music: Duran Duran
© 2007 Skin Divers

5. Box Full o' Honey
at the sharp end of the view
the edge of me and you
in all good sense dare tread no further
and as the ghost will shiver trees
how I'm trembling on my knees
but I'm still drawn on by the murmur

are you laughing at me now?
in my circumstance
when still I wear your crown
my life's penitence for what?
what's so funny
box full o' honey

what I thought a pretty tune
was howling at the moon
to keep me company this evening
it's so lonely in the dirt
a-scratching at the hurt
that I so generously did leave you

are you laughing at me now?
in my circumstance
when still I wear your crown
some cruel penitence for what?
what's so funny
box full o' honey

is she flirting with me now
ooh is she dallying with me now?

ooh are you flirting with me now?
you'll always be my
queen of tumbledown
miss melancholy

are you laughing at me now?
in my circumstance
when still I wear your crown
and my life's a penitence for what?
what's so funny?
ain't it funny
box full o' honey

Lyrics: Simon Le Bon
Music: Duran Duran
© 2007 Skin Divers

6. Skin Divers
walking under skies, waiting for the fall
meet me at the cornershop I show you it all
free you of your mind, something you won’t find
in the West End pages with yer Google-dirty fingers
it’s a skin dive
in deep, silence, we are ... going underwater
it’s a lifeline
teardrop, bullets, all night ... dip into the water

Baby, that's what it feels like when you come up for air
When you come up for air
You feel brand new, when you come up for air
When you come up for air

That's what it feels like when you come up for air
When you come up for air
You feel brand new, when you come up for air
When you come up for air

wipe us off the face of the human race
whichever way you look it’s indisposed or disgraced
fighting on the shore, the hoi polloi want more
howling bloody murder but it’s nothing, just a murmur
in your skin dive
in deep, silence, we are ... going underwater
it’s a lifeline
teardrop, bullets, all night ... slip into the water

Baby, that's what it feels like when you come up for air
When you come up for air
You feel brand new, when you come up for air
When you come up for air

That's what it feels like when you come up for air
When you come up for air
You feel brand new, when you come up for air
When you come up for air

a blushing rose is torn from these sugar walls
I misplaced my future, could I please borrow yours?
paint it opalscene, you know what I mean
anything you want to be, the only thing you want from me ...
skin dive
in deep, silence, we are ... going underwater
it’s a lifeline
teardrop, bullets, all night ... going South Dakota

Baby girl, you swimmin' a little too deep
So deep that I think you might hit a reef
I think you're low on oxygen and your tube got a leak
Baby girl, swim to the top
Grab my hand and hold me and breath

Baby, that's what it feels like when you come up for air
When you come up for air
You feel brand new, when you come up for air
When you come up for air

That's what it feels like when you come up for air
When you come up for air
You feel brand new, when you come up for air
When you come up for air

Lyrics: Simon Le Bon, Timbaland and Justin Timberlake
Music: Duran Duran
© 2007 Skin Divers

7. Tempted
Jupiter rising through the flow
you require a little bit more
to excite you to go
getting busy on the floor
all about the way you move it
when you really got to prove it
finally you will know
what it is you're turning on

That is gonna tempt you - oh yeah
Like you know it's meant to - oh yeah
Devil gonna tempt you - oh yeah
How much do you want to? - oh oh

give thanks to London coming undone
when you ride the underground
sonic islands breaking silence
got your party started now
and you love way you move it
when you really got to prove it
finally it's what you do
what it is you're turning on

That is gonna tempt you - oh yeah
Like you know it's meant to - oh yeah
Devil gonna tempt you - oh yeah
How much do you want to? - oh oh

That is gonna tempt you
Like you know it's meant to
oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, ...
If you want to know what it is you're turning on
Do you want to know what it is you're turning on
..............................What it is you're turning on
Finally you will know what it is you're turning on

Lyrics: Simon Le Bon
Music: Duran Duran
© 2007 Skin Divers

8. Tricked Out

Music: Duran Duran
© 2007 Skin Divers

9. Zoom In
Stood on the line
you understand I been waiting forever
come rain come shine
in the wind in the snow in the filthy weather

you got it all worked out
yeah but it knocks you out
I’m zooming in

now she arrives
in a flaming crash like a falling star
Headed straight for the dive
gonna make some cash with that avatar

you got it all worked out
I know you know I don’t want you to go
yeah but it knocks you out
I’m zooming in on you on you

don’t look back we’re an art attack
don’t look back we’re an art attack
don’t look back we’re an art attack
don’t look back we’re an art attack

you got it all worked out
yeah but it knocks you out

we’re not alone
in this second life there are millions like us
right here in the stones in the air too bright
all the new insiders

you got it all worked out
I know you know I don’t want you to go
yeah but it knocks you out
I’m zooming in on you on you

na nananananana
I know you know I don’t want you to go
na nananananana
I’m zooming in and out on you

I’m zooming in and out on you
zooming in and out on you

na nananananana
I know you know I don’t want you to go
na nananananana
I’m zooming in and out on you

Lyrics: Simon Le Bon
Music: Duran Duran
© 2007 Skin Divers

10. She's Too Much
she's gentle to the touch
she's everything head-first
so happy to be causing trouble
sometimes the pressure gets too much
and you think she's going to burst
and shatter like a Xmas bauble

I'll be there when the world is coming down upon her
when she's scared I'll be there fighting in her corner

she cries when she's alone
for all life’s little knocks
everything that's supposed to make us tougher
thinking it doesn't really show
but I know how she hurts
and I can't bear to see her suffer

I'll be there when the world is coming down upon her
when she's scared I'll be there fighting in her corner
I'll be there when the walls are closing to surround her
in the air as she falls with my arms around her
holding on I'm looking out for her thin skin
because she's everything - and I don't think she knows

She’s such a gentle touch
She’s too much a gentle touch

she likes to catch the sun
plays with it like a ball
and never mind whatever keeps it burning
someday she might just be the one
who's going to save us all
if this apocalypse is coming

I'll be there when the world is coming down upon her
when she's scared I'll be there fighting in her corner
I'll be there when the walls are closing to surround her
in the air as she falls with my arms around her
holding on I'm looking out for her thin skin
because she's everything – but I don't think she knows
I don’t think she knows

she is such – a gentle touch - I don’t think she knows
she’s too much – the gentle touch - I don’t think she knows
she is such – a gentle touch - I dont think she knows
she’s too much – the gentle touch

Lyrics: Simon Le Bon
Music: Duran Duran
© 2007 Skin Divers

11. Dirty Great Monster
There's a dirty great monster in this house
we pretend that it's not there
and there’s escape from it’s grip
but nobody seems to care

do you ever wonder
about the days
when we were straight?
but Daddy got the hunger
so much to hide
we learned to lie

so watch yourself in the hallway
you’re not supposed to know
but we're all afraid of each other
we’re the victims in this show

well do you ever wonder
about the days
when we were straight
when Daddy got the hunger
so much to hide
we learned to lie

silently outnumbered
we made mistakes
because we were straight
now we're all going under
and so with sigh
we say good-bye

Lyrics: Simon Le Bon
Music: Duran Duran
© 2007 Skin Divers

12. Last Man Standing
Now an unexpected peace comes to the day
as the howling din of fighting dies away
when the hanging dust is clearing from air
you begin to see a lonely figure there

he's the last man standing on the track
he does not look down he does not look back
he's the last man standing on the track
you can't hold him down you can't hold him back
the last man standing on the track
he does not look down he does not look back
he's the last man standing on the track
you can't hold him down you can't hold him back

he is sorry for wrong that he has done
and he's cries out for the anger borne so long
all the cuts and bruises suffered in who's name
but now is not the time to face his shame

he's the last man standing on the track
he does not look down he does not look back
he's the last man standing on the track
you can't hold him down you can't hold him back
the last man standing on the track
he does not look down he does not look back
he's the last man standing on the track
you can't hold him down you can't hold him back

Lyrics: Simon Le Bon
Music: Duran Duran
© 2007 Skin Divers

„FALLING DOWN“ 5.11.2007

Zdroj: BMG Sony

Video "Falling Down":


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